What is CBP?

C.B.P.'s approach to restoring your health is to obtain the optimal skeletal center of gravity. From the front of our spines, we should appear straight. This is how we oppose the forces of gravity. From the side, we have a very specific shape to the curve of the spine. The ear should be above the shoulder, the shoulder above the hip, and the hip centered above the knee and ankle. Any loss of our center of gravity from the front or the side may result in accelerated joint degeneration and arthritis. 

Through our unique approach, we are able to measure your spine's stability and posture and conduct a very specific test to determine the amount of correction we expect to obtain.  All of this is done before you even start treatment. This way we can give you the best outcome projection possible, which enables you to decide if this approach to health and healing is right for you. 

How do we do it?

Initial x-ray and correction potential

On the LEFT is a patient who presented with a reversal of their neck curve. This has been associated with many symptoms including headaches, pain, weakness, and numbness. It is also been shown to lead to early spinal degeneration and arthritis.

On the RIGHT is the same patient fitted on a cervical orthotic. This allows us to determine: 

1. Can the center of gravity be corrected?

2. Can the reversed curve be corrected and how much?

3. A treatment goal. How much improvement do we expect to see after the patient is corrected?

Standing neutral. No orthotic. 


Silhouette of patient laying on an orthotic


Based on this correction potential test we would determine a near-full correction with C.B.P. treatment.

This same test is performed on all of the different areas of the spine, including the mid back, low back, and pelvis. 

Let's take a look at some before and after x-rays of some of our patients.

Neck - Cervical Spine

This is what the spine looks like with someone who has, a "Tech Neck" or forward head posture. Some people see a hump forming on their upper back. It is associated with many symptoms and early spinal degeneration.



"Head translation" may appear as a low shoulder on one side or when you look at yourself in the mirror you can see that your head is shifted closer to one shoulder versus another.



Mid back - Thoracic Spine

Many people suffer from pain and symptoms related to a breakdown of their mid-back posture that causes a "rounded back." Some see this as a hump formed on their back, while others notice that they are not as tall as they used to be or begin to see they are hunching forward.



Another common occurrence of the mid back is a large shift backward or posterior. In many cases, this is the bodi’s reaction to stabilize your head and bring it back to neutral when it shifts forward too far.

Other causes for this type of posture are breastfeeding moms who spend long periods of time cradling their babies and nursing.  It can also be a result of multiple pregnancies, due to the amount of compensation moms require, leans back and keep their balance when they walk. 



Low back - Lumbar Spine / Hip / Pelvis

How many times have you heard that you have a short leg? Or maybe you know that one hip or knee is degenerating or forming arthritis faster than another. Have you been told that one day you may need to have a replacement in your hip or knee and you want a second opinion to potentially avoid future surgery?

This occurrence happens to many people every day and it is important to balance your center of gravity to stabilize your spine and pelvis. The result of this can significantly impact your health by decreasing stressful loads of weight on your back joints, hips, and knees.


Leaning pelvis affects hips, knees and low back